Tuesday, February 11, 2014

TNI Investigasi Peristiwa Nelayan RI Disiksa di Papua Nugini

Laporan wartawan Tribunnews.com : Adi Suhendi
TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA-- Tim Investigasi Angkatan Laut diturunkun untuk menyelidiki isu penyiksaan yang dialami nelayan asal Meurauke yang diduga dilakukan militer Papua Nugini.
Demikian diungkapkan Panglima TNI Jenderal Moeldoko saat ditemui di Gedung Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) Senayan, Jakarta, Selasa (11/2/2014).
"Sedang dinvestigasi oleh angkatan laut kita, tunggu hasilnya kita ingin tahu lebih dalam apa motofasinya kok sampai seperti itu," kata Moeldoko.
Pihaknya pun belum mengetahui persis lokasi kejadian penganiayaan terhadap nelayan Indonesia tersebut, untuk itu TNI akan memastikan apakah kejadian berada di wilayah perairan Indonesia atau Papua Nugini.
"Kita akan komunikasikan, kita harus tahu persis titik kejadiannya bagaimana, apakah di perbatasan, atau di wilayah mereka, lalu kenapa harus pakai kekerasan seperti itu. Itu harus didalami," ucapnya.
Ia pun belum tahu apakah penganiayaan dilakukan oknum militer Papua Nugini atau bukan. "Di situ simbol-simbolnya tentara, kita akan lihat lebih dalam," ucapnya.
TNI akan memastikan terlebih dahulu pangkal dan lokasi kejadian sebelum mengambil sikap lebih lanjut, bila kejadian tersebut terkait masalah pertahanan makan TNI yang akan turun tangan. Namun, bila berkait dengan politik luar negeri tentu Menteri Luar Negeri lah yang menentukan langkah.
"Pasti akan ditanyakan, ini area politik atau pertahanan, kalau area pertahanan domain saya. Kalau politik, nanti Menlu yang proptes," katanya.

English Leangue

Tribunnews.com reporters report : Adi SuhendiTRIBUNNEWS.COM , JAKARTA - Navy diturunkun Investigation Team to investigate the issue of fishermen of torture allegedly committed Meurauke Papua New Guinea military .This was stated by TNI Commander General Moeldoko when met at the Jakarta Convention Center ( JCC ) in Senayan , Jakarta , Tuesday ( 02/11/2014 ) ." Being dinvestigasi by our navy , wait for the results we want to know more on what really motofasinya up like that , " said Moeldoko .He said he was yet to know the exact location of the incident of the persecution of Indonesian fishermen , for the military will determine whether the incident is in the territorial waters of Indonesia or Papua New Guinea ." We're going to communicate , we need to know exactly how it happened point , whether at the border or in their territory , then why should wear such violence . Was to be explored , " he said .He also did not know whether the persecution carried Papua New Guinea military personnel or not . " There symbols soldiers , we will see more in , " he said .TNI will ensure first base and the scene before taking a stance further , if the events were related problem eating military defense that would lend a hand . However , when it relates to foreign policy Foreign Secretary was certainly a decisive step ."It must be asked , this area of ​​politics or defense , if the defense area of ​​my domain . Politics if , later Secretary of the proptes , " he said .


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Rieke Minta Presiden SBY Usut TKI Asal Sumut yang Jenazahnya Dibuang ke Laut

Rieke Ask President migrant origin Sumatra Investigate the body was dumped at Sea

TRIBUNNEWS.COM , JAKARTA - politician Rieke Diah Pitaloka PDI ask the President to conduct an investigation related to the death of Indonesian workers ( TKI ) , Anita Purnama Boru Huahuruk ( 35 years ) working in Malaysia , from Medan North Sumatra .
Rieke asserted , the coffin of the deceased from the information he gathered , thrown away into the sea .Anita Purnama Boru Huahuruk ( 35 years ) is a resident of Village Satria , City Binjai , North Sumatra working in Malaysia since August 2013. The deceased had worked in a restaurant for two months , then moved back to work because their employer does not hold
" Late last communicated with a family dated January 30, 2014 . Nyadisebutkan In a text message that the deceased has been accomplished work and want to go back to his hometown . 2 . Migrants also had to send two times the salary of Rp 5 million to the family and went to Malaysia itself through the services of Mrs. Umi , " Rieke said in a statement to Tribunnews.com , Tuesday ( 02/11/2014 ) .
" The body was found by fishermen coffin and the family was contacted by the local police about the presence of the deceased Binjai . Mentioned that by the police , the bodies are thought to have four days at sea , " he added .
Explained again , before burial on Saturday, January 8, 2014 , the family had opened the contents of the coffin . According to Anna 's mother , said Rieke , one of the brothers of the deceased , the deceased one eye gone , no trace of the neck black like strangled . The deceased was also not wearing a complete outfit and most of the bodies of the deceased have been damaged and decayed .Inside the crate was also found passports , money of 1 ringgit , rings and a gold necklace belonging to the deceased .
" I look forward to Mr. President to immediately conduct an investigation into the cause of death of deceased . If it proves deceased died were persecuted , the government of SBY should request information and ask the Malaysian government to process those who have committed atrocities against the deceased to death , " Rieke asserted .
Until now , the story Rieke , according to the family , the government no one has contacted the family about this event . Affirmed , not to get protection from government discrimination against the workers of any state work .
" And ensuring labor rights granted by the employer of the deceased . Rights should not be given employment as a reason for not diusutnya this case criminally , " said Rieke Diah Pitaloka .


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Iran: U.S. Never Have Courage To Attack

Tehran , - Government officials and U.S. lawmakers have repeatedly made ​​threats of military action against Iran over its nuclear program . But Iranian military officials believe the U.S. had never had the courage to launch an attack against his country .
" The nation and the Iranian armed forces are ready to take action against the enemies of the U.S. and that has greedy eyes on this country , " said Air Division Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps , IRGC , Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh .
It was submitted that the Iranian military officers in front of the Iranian students in Tehran as reported by the media Press TV on Tuesday ( 02/11/2014 ) .
Embedding Hajizadeh , the U.S. has several times demonstrated attitude aggression against Iran . Therefore according to him , the Iranian government does not believe in the U.S. and its allies . Triggered Hajizadeh , Washington does not honor its commitment to Iran and many countries in the world .
" The U.S. has an aggressive nature , which has been shown several times in its attitude toward Iran . Every time we wanted to be close to them ( Americans ) , they attacked us with action , " said a senior commander of the IRGC .
Various U.S. officials , including President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry some time ago had made ​​threats of military action against Iran . Earlier on February 8 , Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehqan also trigger , threats of U.S. military action against Iran " very insignificant " for the Iranian people .
He said that Iran is always prepared to deal with arrogant countries . Even reminded , Americans will experience a catastrophe from launching a military attack against Iran .

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There are 19 Volcano Alert, Public Advised Not Panic

JAKARTA - Kelud status raised to alert level II or up to , following increased volcanic activity began Sunday, January 2, 2014 .
However, people are advised not to panic and anxiety with this . Intensive media coverage and exaggerated the increase in volcanic activity often actually cause a negative impact on society .
It remarked the Head of Data Information and Public Relations of the National Disaster Management Agency , Sutopo Purwo Nugroho in a brief message on Monday ( 02/03/2014 ) .
According to him , due to excessive publicity , tourist resorts , hotels , agriculture and economic activities that are outside the area becomes deserted . It happened at Mount Bromo , Ijen , Dieng , Tangkubanprahu , Papandayan , and others .
" Even the tourist activities and hotels in Kabanjahe today was sparsely attended because people are afraid to visit when far away and safe from Sinabung , " said Sutopo .
He said , the volcano is slow in the set . That is not going to suddenly erupt . There are signs that the status of the mountain had a step that is normal then became wary , alert , and alert the appropriate threat.
Presently he added , of the 127 active volcanoes in Indonesia , there is a mountain Caution status ( level IV ) is Mount Sinabung since 24 November 2013 . There are three mountains alert status ( level III ) is Karangetang , Lokon and Rokatenda . In addition , there are 19 mountain alert status ( level II ) is Kelud , roar , Mother , Lewotobi Women , Ijen , Gamkonora , Soputan , Sangeangapi , Papandayan , Dieng , Seulewah Agam , Gamalama , Bromo , Semeru , Gutters , Anak Krakatau , Marapi , Dukono , and Kerinci . Other mountain while normal status .
Meaning of the alert status was no increase in activity above normal levels , any kind of symptoms are taken into account . Not critical , what is needed is socialization , hazard assessment , checking facilities , and limited picket .
While the meaning of the alert status is all the data indicate that the activity can be resumed to the eruption or circumstances that can lead to catastrophic . Critical condition that needs socialization in threatened areas , preparation of emergency facilities , the daily co-ordination , and a full picket .
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